As a dedicated Maremma Sheepdog breeder and positive reinforcement trainer specializing in livestock guardian dogs (LGDs), I’ve always believed in the power of community. Today, I’m thrilled to announce a program that will strengthen our connections while helping more families and farms benefit from properly trained and socialized LGDs.

Why We're Launching This Program

Over the years, our business and the community we’ve built have grown through word-of-mouth recommendations from satisfied clients who understand the value of ethically bred Maremmas and professional, intentional, and effective livestock guardian dog training. Many of you have generously shared how much you love the dogs we bred and how much our advice and support have helped you as you raised and trained your livestock guardian dogs to maturity. You have been our cheerleaders, promoting our business and referring friends, family, and fellow farm and homestead families to our services. Your trust and support have been instrumental in our mission to promote responsible LGD ownership and training methods that are kind and fun for LGDs and as stress-free and easy as possible for their owners.

We want to recognize and reward your dedication while expanding our reach to help more people who need our expertise. That’s why we are excited to announce the Prancing Pony Farm Affiliate program.

How It Works

Our affiliate program offers compensation for referrals that result in either:

  • Purchase of a Maremma Sheepdog puppy from our ethical breeding program
  • Booking of virtual LGD training consultations
  • Purchase of our upcoming Livestock Guardian Dog digital course and membership (To be released soon)

This initiative serves multiple purposes:

  1. Helps more families learn about our amazing Maremma Sheepdogs
  2. Helps more people access professional LGD guidance
  3. Rewards our loyal community members for their support
  4. Expand our reach to assist those struggling with their LGDs
  5. Promotes responsible breeding and training practices

Failed LGDs are an Epidemic

Thirty percent of livestock guardian dogs fail, meaning they are abandoned, rehomed, or surrendered to shelters and rescues by their new owners, often before they even reach adulthood. Some of the reasons include:


  • Bad breeding practices that result in dogs with health or temperament problems
  • Breeders who don’t give their puppies the proper early socialization and experience they need to set them up for success as LGDs
  • Ill-prepared owners who don’t understand what they are getting into when they buy that cute, fluffy puppy from a backyard breeder or a rescue
  • Lack of ongoing client support by lazy, unethical breeders.
  • Lack of reliable, professional, ethical sources of training information and support for LGD owners
  • The fact that most people acquiring an LGD are first-time LGD owners who have no experience with these dogs, and many are also new to livestock ownership
  • Unethical breeders who are unable or unwilling to support the people who buy their puppies when problems arise and who refuse to take these dogs back if the owner can no longer keep them.
  • It is an industry (breeders, farmers, and so-called “experts”) that focuses on “affordable” (cheap) dogs, promoting the idea that these dogs are disposable. (Dog didn’t work out? Cut your losses and start over with another “affordable” dog.)

Reverse the Trend

Ethical breeders and trainers can reduce these problems by giving their puppies the right kind of early training and socialization to help them succeed as LGDs and family companions and by supporting their clients as they finish the job the breeder started. At Prancing Pony Farm, it’s our mission to reverse the trend and reduce the incidence of “failed” livestock guardian dogs through our Maremma Sheepdog breeding and training program. We also provide support and training resources (both free and paid) to people who are struggling with LGDs they acquired elsewhere.

Join Our Mission

As an affiliate, you’ll join our broader mission of ensuring that every LGD has the opportunity to succeed in its role, whether as a working farm dog or family companion.

Your referrals help us connect with people who need our dogs and our training expertise while earning you rewards for your efforts.

Partner With Us Today!

Go to our Affiliate Program Page to learn more about the benefits of the program and to sign up to help livestock guardian dogs and the people who love and rely on them.

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