Registered Name: Sky Island’s Gianna
Parents: Evo & Silessia’s Ballsey
Birthdate: 10/1/18
PennHip Score: R 0.32, L 0.32
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Elbows: Elbows

Registered Name: Marcella of MoonAcre Maremmas
Parents: Toruk Makto of MoonAcre & Seze of MoonAcre
Birthdate: 2/23/19
PennHip Score: R 0.41 , L 0.31

Registered Name: Benson Ranch Marisa
Parents: Stoneybrooks Milan & Benson Ranch Cameo
Birthdate: 11/17/19
PennHip Score: R 0.35 , L 0.37

Registered Name: Benson Ranch Celeste
Parents: Benson Ranch Bonavento & Meadowcroft Blush
Birthdate: 11/27/19
PennHip Score: R 0.32 , L 0.34

Registered Name: Sky Island’s Electra
Parents: Unfinished Acres Sevro & Silessia’s Ballsey
Birthdate: 9/8/20
PennHip Score: R 0.35 , L 0.45
OFA Hips: Fair
OFA Elbows: Normal

Registered Name: Prancing Pony GL Circe
Parents: Benson Ranch Bonavento & Golden Legacy RoxyAnne
Birthdate: 7/20/21
PennHip Score: R 0.35, L 0.36

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