Family Dog Mediation

L.E.G.S. Applied Ethology – Beyond Dog Training

Have you cycled through several Facebook groups, websites, blogs and dog trainers seeking help for your Livestock Guardian Dog?

There’s a reason most Livestock Guardian Dog owners cycle through multiple Facebook groups and other resources looking for help with their dog, hoping for a better outcome with the next one. These “free” resources often miss the point and lack the comprehensive picture that can finally provide clarity and relief for you and your dog. Even dog trainers often fail to see the the whole dog and all his LEGS.

You Don't Need Just Any Trainer. You Need a Licensed LEGS Applied Ethology Family Dog Mediator

Contrary to what you’ve been told, succeeding with your LGD is not just about the clicker or the dangle stick. It’s not about compliance, conditioning and control. It’s not only about the choice between training with treats or shock collars. (But please, choose treats, not shocks!)

It’s about meeting your dog where they are, regognizing who they are, and appreciating all that they bring to the table in their unique recipe of interacting L.E.G.S. (Learning, Environment, Genetics, & Self).

As a Licensed Family Dog Mediator and force-free dog trainer with extensive experience breeding, training, and owning both working and companion Maremmas, I can empower you to understand your dog’s unique L.E.G.S. This understanding will help your dog thrive in their role and deepen the bond between you and your dog.  Whether your dog is a Livestock Guardian Dog, a Family Companion, or a bit of both, I can help!

Discover the Truth About Your Dog and Live in Partnership with him by Understanding his L.E.G.S.

What is L.E.G.S., you ask? L.E.G.S. stands for all the individual parts that make the dog who he is. (Learning, Environment, Genetics & Self.)

I completed the LEGS Applied Ethology course in April 2024, becoming a LEGS Licensed Family Dog Mediator. This incredible course validated everything I have always known about what makes Livestock Guardian Dogs thrive (or not) in their role as either working dogs or companions. It also gave me an even deeper understanding of how to help my Maremmas thrive in their future homes and how to best support their owners as they live and work with their dogs. Maremmas can thrive in a variety of settings if we understand their L.E.G.S. and work with them rather than against them.

You may have heard of the ABCs (Antecedent, Behavior, Consequences) of dog training. Well LEGS is the A - the hidden part of the iceburg in the ABC model!

“LEGS – understanding changes everything.”

The LEGS model applies to all types of dogs, not just Livestock Guardian Dogs. It has helped me have a better understanding and appreciation of all of the incredible dogs in the world, including my non-Maremma companion dogs. However, as a breeder and trainer of Maremmas, my focus is on using the knowledge I’ve gained from this course to help my Maremma puppy clients as well as anyone who needs help with their Livestock Guardian Dog. Therefore I am presenting L.E.G.S. from an LGD perspective on this page.

(If your LGD lives with other breeds of dogs the LEGS model will help you to understand their L.E.G.S., too.)

  • Learning -This refers to the Livestock Guardian Dog’s prior and current learning experiences as they relate to relationships between the livestock it guards and the humans in its life. Positive and proper learning is vital for an LGD to thrive in its job and in the world it will live in.
  • Environment – The environment for a Livestock Guardian Dog puppy should include a setting where it can learn about livestock, interact positively with humans, and have varied experiences with sights and sounds. The LGD’s environment in its future home will vary by the individual dog.
  • Genetics – Refers to the dog’s genetics – what work were they bred for? Maremmas (and other LGDs) were bred to live with and guard livestock in this case. They have certain traits that allow them to excel at that job, which could be challenging for some owners. Understanding and accepting who your dog is and working with their nature, rather than trying to change it, will set everyone up for success.
  • Self – Finally, we look at Livestock Guardian Dogs as individuals. Male or female, intact or altered, age, health, and unique personality—all the things that make your dog unique.

“In my 49 years (and counting) of working as a scientist with dogs as my primary focus for studies of behavior and evolution, I have never seen such a creative, imaginative and well-coordinated program as the new LEGS initiative.”

Raymond Coppinger

Ethologist and evolutionary biologist 1937-2017

The Dog's Truth

You haven’t heard the whole story if you believe your dog is just a Livestock Guardian or pet.

YOUR DOG is not broken, and YOU have not failed.

Have you cycled through several dog trainers or methods? Are you tired of seeking help on social media from self-appointed “dog gurus” with no education or training in dog behavior who only leave you feeling more confused and stressed than when you started? 

There’s a reason many families find themselves trying multiple dog trainers, watching countless YouTube videos, and surfing Facebook groups – all hoping for a better outcome each time. Traditional dog training often misses the mark. It lacks the comprehensive approach that brings clarity and relief to you and your dog. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not about the “carrot OR the stick.” It’s not merely about compliance, conditioning, or control. It’s about meeting your dog where they are and understanding their unique blend of Learning, Environment, Genetics, and Self (L.E.G.S.).

Like all animals, dogs are complex beings. Their behavior is shaped by a harmonious blend of nature and nurture. It’s not as simple as “good genetics or “how you raise them.

Instead, it’s a complex system where various elements work together to fulfill distinct roles within an ecosystem. Modern breeding practices and captivity have disrupted this natural balance, leading to the “behavior problems we see in our pets today.

What Can You Do to Help Your Dog?The first step is getting to the TRUTH about your dog’s behavior. By understanding what’s happening, you can prevent issues before they arise. 

Between the myths, there lies the truth.

Prefer Reading? Get the Life-Changing Book!

“With initial skepticism of all that is harmful about breed labels, I was immediately impressed with Brophey’s deft handling of generalities on one hand and individual differences on the other. Her book provides useful information, and an often needed expectation-adjustment, from both perspectives.”

Dr. Susan Friedman

Maremma Sheepdog - Guardian - "Patient Protector"

The L.E.G.S model of applied ethology has ten working groups. All dogs (even mixed breeds) belong to one of these groups. Maremma Sheepdogs belong to the “Guardian” group. This group includes Livestock Guardian Dogs and property or personal guardians. There are similarities in temperament, size, and conformation between these dogs, but only Livestock Guardian Dogs are suitable for guarding livestock. 

Livestock Guardian Dogs bond with and guard other living beings, including livestock, family pets, and human family members. (Your Maremma is still a Livestock Guardian Dog, even if there are no farm animals to guard.) In contrast, other guardians protect their territory and the humans living there. (And maybe other family pets, but not usually livestock.)

As a certified Family Dog Mediator and force-free dog trainer with extensive experience breeding, training, and owning both working and companion Maremmas, I can empower you to understand your dog’s unique L.E.G.S. This understanding will help your dog thrive in their role and deepen the bond between you and your dog.  Whether your dog is a Livestock Guardian Dog, a Family Companion, or a bit of both, I can help!

Ready to Join the Family?

The best way to start the process is by filling out our Maremma contact form. Then, we can send you information on available puppies and dogs. You’ll also be able to fill out our puppy application. The application helps us better understand you and your needs so we can match you with the perfect puppy!

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